Welcome to Mentor4Good
We believe in the power of people coming together and paying it forward. This is why we created Mentor4Good, a platform which offers a variety of mentoring services and in exchange our sponsors help those less fortunate in our communities.
Together we create “The Cycle of Helping Hands” for an amazing today and an even better tomorrow.
Meet our founders, backed by an amazing team of mentors
“The power of heartfelt thought knows no limits……..It all begins with an idea that has the potential to bring forward a shared value to one person , then another, and another, creating ripples that disrupt the waters and bring about lasting change”
Mona Mostafa
Mona Mostafa
“I believe that every individual has something unique that they bring to this world and sometimes we just need a helping hand to truly shine”
Mahmoud Elbanhawy
“The greatest untapped resource within society is its people: energizing and empowering individuals through targeted and individualized development unleashes latent talents, enabling them to stretch the boundaries of their potential.”